[V8] Two more questions... V8 Motor mounts, subframe retaining nuts?

toml99 at todomundo.com toml99 at todomundo.com
Thu May 6 00:31:36 PDT 2010

Hey Nick,  what's with the subframe removal?  Do you need a huge box  
of parts?.....Do I need to see if there's some bolt's missing in my  
box?....Just giving you some S&%$.  The car's came in either Evil/ 
Semi-Evil, or Totally Evil,,,,,and I'm guessing you got the Totally  
Evil Version.....I don't car how great it's supposed to fit, anything  
aftermarket, either will, or will not fit....that's the gamble.  I've  
been watching, as when I get around to putting the "box of  
suspension" in(thank you), I'd planned on doing the motor/trans  
mounts.  The 034 are the "mounts dujour", and many have said they  
were awsome..Did they fit in the end.?  Any 1 thing can hang up a  
motor, and cause "no fit" issues.....tom

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