[V8] Two more questions... V8 Motor mounts, subframe retaining nuts?

NIck Miller chance9121 at gmail.com
Thu May 6 11:06:30 PDT 2010

      They do fit in the end.  I see 0 issues if you just throw these in
while doing the subframe, but that's the trick.  You need nearly 3 inches
more clearance to get these in than you do to take the old ones out.  There
is too much meat on the "ears" where the lower bolts go by about 2mm, the
bottom bowl or cup is about 5mm too deep, and the stud and rubber are also
taller on the top.   On the driver's side the top stud goes through a wider
hole, but on the passenger side this hole is a rectangle that is the exact
width of the stud.  So, you can not go in at any sort of angle, its got to
go in straight from the bottom.  Which is fine with the stock mount, but
this one is much bigger, and you can't jack the motor up enough.

     034 seems terrible at getting back to me timely as compared to other
vendors, like Flyin miata, though the price I spend with them ( about 150 vs
2500 or so) might be part of it.  Still, I'd like to hear what they have to
say.  Ron said he used the Motorsports version, which isn't really related
to this mount, and appears to be considerably thinner and more robust.

As for dropping the subframe, I only dropped the passenger side bolts, and
used a bar to pull it down till I had the clearance I needed.  Just barely
enough.  Also, those bolts aren't torque to yield, you can re-use them..
Happily, though, my front subframe bushings are in pristine condition, so I
didn't need the set I had, anyway.

On Thu, May 6, 2010 at 2:31 AM, toml99 at todomundo.com
<toml99 at todomundo.com>wrote:

> Hey Nick,  what's with the subframe removal?  Do you need a huge box
> of parts?.....Do I need to see if there's some bolt's missing in my
> box?....Just giving you some S&%$.  The car's came in either Evil/
> Semi-Evil, or Totally Evil,,,,,and I'm guessing you got the Totally
> Evil Version.....I don't car how great it's supposed to fit, anything
> aftermarket, either will, or will not fit....that's the gamble.  I've
> been watching, as when I get around to putting the "box of
> suspension" in(thank you), I'd planned on doing the motor/trans
> mounts.  The 034 are the "mounts dujour", and many have said they
> were awsome..Did they fit in the end.?  Any 1 thing can hang up a
> motor, and cause "no fit" issues.....tom
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