[V8] Craigs List V8

Roger M. Woodbury rmwoodbury at roadrunner.com
Tue Oct 5 04:32:24 PDT 2010

Nick:  I live in Maine about four hours from where the York '91 V8 is and
about three hours from where the '90 low mileage V8 is. I am going to Boston
on Thursday morning, and might be able to look at either car if you want me


I am not interested in buying either of these cars though.  One caveat:  if
you are thinking of buying either one of them, my recommendation is, DON"T.


The York car, for a grand might be a source of a few parts, but everything
underneath will be toast, and I mean EVERYthing.  The 90k V8 in Falmouth
already has some rust on the doors according to the seller.  That will mean
that EVERYTHING underneath is toast.every rubber gizzie connecting every
other little suspension piece, every control arm, link, exhaust hanger,
exhaust, muffler, and virtually everything else in sight except probably for
the body itself is toast.  Rear brakes?  Fergeddaboutdem!  E brake cables?
VERY toasty. 


ANY '90's vintage car that has had more than one or two winters of driving
in Maine is toast underneath because of the liquid used to melt ice in the
winter.  It's awful stuff that was used up until last year, and it ate
everything including brake lines and on and on.


So, if you want me to look at either car, let me know, but I am warning you
and everyone else who might be interested, I doubt that either of these cars
is worth much except probably for engine, perhaps transmission, and interior
pieces, in general.  


FWIW.  Let me know, get me directions to either car and I'll look if you are



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