[V8] Question of Theory: NAC...well, VERY little Audi Content

Roger M. Woodbury rmwoodbury at roadrunner.com
Sat Apr 9 09:54:00 PDT 2011

It really was just yesterday.  

Then reality set in.  The reality is that I have soooo much stuff to move
from this barn to the next one, AND so much stuff in storage that really can
be used so easily by one truck and a big uhaul at vastly less cost that a
professional mover, that buying a truck NOW made perfect sense IF I could
find one.

The one that I actually fell in love with was a 35,000 mile Ford F150 Lariat
from Tennessee:  1985 vintage and absolutely yummy.  BUT at $900 minimum to
ship it anywhere near to me on top of what I assumed was going to be almost
five grand (It was just under that), when I stumbled over this big Chevy for
el cheapo bux, I couldn't' resist.  

NOT rusty underneath!  Go figure!

I would love to make some comfort seats work...but I think the cost of
fabricating mounting brackets makes the whole thing foolish.  In the end,
I'll probably just get another bench seat out of a traditional rusty Maine
truck....if I can find one that doesn't smell like a smokehouse on steroids.


-----Original Message-----
From: Ed Kellock [mailto:ekellock at gmail.com] 
Sent: Saturday, April 09, 2011 12:43 PM
To: 'Roger M. Woodbury'; v8 at audifans.com
Subject: RE: [V8] Question of Theory: NAC...well, VERY little Audi Content

>>> Comments?

Ah, it seems like only yesterday that Roger surmised he would wait until the
new house to buy a new truck, if ever.

Just joshin ya, Roger.  



PS I have some comfort seats that don't have a car wrapped around them, but
shipping might be a bit pricey.

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