[V8] Fuel System Pressure ...

k1drbar k1drbar at pacbell.net
Wed Apr 27 06:46:54 PDT 2011

Finally had a few minutes to investigate the no start issue on #2 yesterday.
Even though I can hear the pump run when I manually push down the armature
on the fuel pump relay I've had a suspicion that the problem is fuel
related.  I got some confirmation of this yesterday . when I pull the return
line from the FPR and run the pump no fuel comes out!  When I attempted to
use the fuel pressure gauge I learned that the fittings are larger than the
ones on the I-5 . grrr.  Anyone seen anything like this before?


The funny thing is that while typing this message I came up with a theory
about what is going on.  The problem started as the car running poorly and
stalling as though it was out of gas . and adding gas fixed it.  It seems as
though the point at which the car stalls has become higher on the fuel gauge
over time.  The fuel pump is obviously working . I suspect that I didn't
lock the bayonet fully when I installed the pump and that the pump is now
sitting higher in the tank . 


Anyone ever hear of anything like that happening?  Funny how sitting down to
write things up can help to come up with new ideas on the cause of the
problem . 


I really don't like having to stick my arm down into the tank . 


Steve Buchholz

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