[V8] Audi V8 Canada version - differences

Bastian Preindl bastian at preindl.net
Mon Feb 7 14:15:10 PST 2011


it's me again with another facts and info question: How does the 
Canadian version of the V8 differ from the US-version? Does it have the 
same interior including the safety pads below the steering wheel and the 
panic lock button? Does it have the same headlights (non-Euro-style)? 
And does the instrument cluster show miles (like on the US-version) or 
kilometers? And does it count mpg oder kmpg or l/km like the European 

Any additional information about export numbers, versions, colors... are 
always welcome! ;)

Thanks a lot for all the great help!


PS.: Has there ever been an Audi V8 in Mexico or even more in the south 
you're aware of (except for the one in Argentina)?

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