[V8] Audi V8 wheels

Mark Hanman av8ruk at hotmail.com
Thu Feb 10 00:49:05 PST 2011

>    4. Wheels (Roger M. Woodbury)
> I am seriously shopping for new wheels for my V8.  
> I really am sick of the standard aero wheels.

Well, I hope this helps.I had until recently, the 15" Aeros. They are simply boring.I have 8 BBS awaiting refurbishment. Plus one with a crack beginning, which I hope can be recovered.In the interim, I was offered a set of ok condition ur-S6 wheels with new tyres.  So now the car is on 16", with 50 profile tyres, looks and handles much better for it.
Take a look here.http://gallery.me.com/markhanman#galleryI hope the link works
My S4 had similar wheels, but in 17".  I considered these, but already have a broken 17" rim.  I suspect that Maine is shipping it's surplus pot holes to the UK.  We certainly have far more than seems absolutely necessary.

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