[V8] ECE check light in instrument cluster

Korn, Bob Bob.Korn at Fike.com
Sun Jun 26 15:07:07 PDT 2011

If I remember correctly, all cars have the light, only CA cars had it hooked up.  There is a connector on top of the transmission tunnel, behind the HVAC controls that you must connect to get the check engine light to operate.  You can also blink codes with it, don't remember how. 

-----Original Message-----
From: Bastian Preindl [mailto:bastian at preindl.net] 
Sent: Sunday, June 26, 2011 4:10 PM
To: Audifans V8 Mailinglist
Subject: [V8] ECE check light in instrument cluster


a V8 driver from LA has reported a problem with DOT technical check (whatever's the right name for that in California) 'cause the engine check symbol isn't enlighted when the ignition is turned on. The tester is absolutely sure that there has to be an engine check control in the instrument cluster. I've checked against the US repair manual and indeed, it seems to be wired. In Europe the engine check symbol is inactive respectively not wired.

Could anybody of you please provide a photo to me showing - or showing not - that ECE symbol in the cluster respectively could you tell me if you have this ECE (or ECU) check light in the cluster at all or only in the Californian version or just in some production years?


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