[V8] Bought 1993 Audi V8

Bastian Homburg b.homburg at web.de
Sun May 29 13:08:31 PDT 2011

Just FYI: The ABH engine in the '92-94 V8 has a timing belt replacement 
interval of 90,000 miles, not 60,000 like the 3.6.
Should you not have a service history booklet, Audi dealers (and lots of 
good independent or DIY guys as well) place a sticker on the timing belt 
cover indicating time and mileage when they changed it. If you don't 
know when and if it has been done, I'd do that right away, as chances 
are pretty high that your new-to-you V8 still sports the original, 
18-year-old belt if the mileage is correct...

toml99 at todomundo.com wrote:
> If it was last done @ 60K(and however many years ago), it probably 
> won't look so good, if it was recently done, it should be obvious.

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