[V8] ignition key magic

Ed Kellock ed.kellock at gmail.com
Fri Apr 6 15:54:56 PDT 2012

My wife called me from Whole Foods, frantic that she couldn't lock the car.
She just parked and got out and realized she had the key for the 1990 V8.
She drove the 1993 V8.  The key would not turn the ignition when she got
back in and tried and she couldn't lock the car.  I was on the road in
Denver returning from Loveland and told her I was probably 45 minutes away
and not to spend too much at WF.  I had a key with me and it worked and all
seemed to be well.  Somehow, she was able to start the 93 with the key for
the 90 and they are very different when you compare the cut.  I believe that
the lock in the 93 is a bit fubar and she was able to remove the key without
turning the ignition completely off the last time she drove it so when she
put the other key in, it turned okay.  I believe this because week or two
ago I got in it and there was something funky between the key OFF position
and the stupid gear selector pop-up thing and I thought that the key pulled
out without being completely off.  Whatever.  She's driving the 93 because
the ignition switch on the 90 is fubar.  I was driving it for awhile because
I could get it to work, but then it gave up completely.  The new switch is
only 7 bux at AutohausAZ but I've heard a lot of bad press about the
quality.  I'm thinking about a start button.  In the end, it's probably
about the same amount of work.

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