[V8] Ramblings

D Morralee superdaveski at hotmail.com
Tue Apr 17 19:11:24 PDT 2012

Today I was reflecting on some of the opinionated views of the emails going back and forth on the forum. What makes me really laugh is how I can send an email with 100 percent V8 content to the V8 forum... and not even get any dialog on what I'm doing on the V8. The reason I'm on this forum is its a great bunch of guys who are passion about their cars. We are all good at something, some are good at electrical others are mechanical etc. I'm looking for a V8 dialog, sometimes I'm  looking for help, or share my Audi V8 experiences or Passion.  So let's get back to V8 dialog and less opinions. Tax day for us is at the end of the month, so I'm in a good mood. Superdave 
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-----Original Message-----
From: Kyle Leatherwood <kyle_leatherwood at hotmail.com>
Date: Wed, 18 Apr 2012 01:20:24 
To: <v8 at audifans.com>
Subject: Re: [V8] Ramblings

Very good posting there Tom.  I couldn't have said it better myself.  I just wish I had a dollar for every time I have read him state that he is the all knowing god who knows how to make a 4.2 automatic harness work on a manual car.  I would be able to buy a car on it.  Funny how out of all of the 4.2L manual cars out there, I can't recall anyone running one that Scotty boy J has made work.  

Anyway, my feelings on his incessant ego rants and the quote "this is how I make a living so I'm not helping for free" are well documented on the list, just glad to know I'm not the only one who sees it.  Also had the first hand opportunity to see his sales practices of cars.  A car that "just needs a little paint" ended up being a total rust bucket that was good for nothing but a drivable parts car.  Anyway, I will now digress before I write a novel.  

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Hotmail for iPhone and iPod Touch


On 2012-04-18 01:05:10 +0000 toml99 at todomundo.com <toml99 at todomundo.com> wrote:

> "Too many other machines (already built) that make the v8q an ego  
> choice, not a rational one"
> Hey Scott, it was beaten into me at a young age that 'If you don't  
> have something nice to say, don't say anything at all".....Apparently  
> nobody ever instilled that in you as you've pretty much managed to  
> offend everyone on this list at some point, and continue to do so on  
> every post. You wax poetic about "long time listers calling me an old  
> fart", which is not quite what I've heard other long time listers  
> refer to you as.   If you have no concept of your persona, then  
> that's a mental health issue better reserved for someone  
> professional.    I went back awhile, and all I see is negative or ego  
> building.  Maybe you've helped people on this list, but for the most  
> part, you're just on your own, puffing up your chest, and berating  
> everyone else.  You share nothing helpful!.  It's tax day and I'm in  
> a pissy mood and you're the target.  Why don't you do you and  
> everyone else a favor and part out both of your "better than  
> everyone's" cars, and move on to the 740 list or wherever it is you'd  
> rather be, than just bitch about the v8 and how inferior all of us  
> are to you.  I've got a bumper sticker that I haven't quite put on  
> that says "F...you you F...ing....F....  Maybe I should send it to  
> you and you can put it next to that rainbow sticker on the back of  
> that "tow" truck......Ha....Tom(pissy mood)
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