[V8] Ramblings

Scott Justusson qshipq at aol.com
Tue Apr 17 19:53:02 PDT 2012

 I consider myself an Audi enthusiast, and practice that philosophy daily to assure it's beyond enthusiasm of the first order, and above reproach.  Pissy moods so noted, the original topic was a tongue and cheek mocking of BMW Active Noise Control...   That Audi also uses in their flagship S8, not to 'reduce the volume' of real engine noise intrusion to the cabin (ala BMW reference), but to cover up the uneven sounds of a v8 running half it's cylinders.  Audi also uses active motor mounts to cover up the vibrations from said...  So, it's tough reading so much flag waving.  I claim the v8 is ego, because there are other fine machines worthy of purchase in many marques.  I'm on the front line keeping up with supplying parts and service to these aging v8q machines.  When the value of the fix exceeds the value of the car (many times by a 'factor'), it is by definition, not a rational choice to stay in the game.  I will take Paul's 'mental illness' ascription, if that's better perceived in any way.

I've always proposed, it's not what you do to a quattro that matters, it's what you do with it and your passion, that gives it value.  17years working on v8's, owned several, tweeked many, still own 2.  That doesn't include some 150+ track events as a senior instructor, 18 years of Steamboat (9 years of that as Eventmaster), 12 years of Teen Clinic instruction, 10 years at a National level in driving education and safety, and thousands of private emails helping many.  I still compete and teach auto-x and ice racing, as well as, make sure my library is up to date on the latest toys for q's, and general advances in automotive technology.  I am also lucky that my exposure to many marque drives, allows me the ability to speak to how they *drive* compared to quattros of many forms.  I also service a C4 v8 Avant 5spd conversion, and have been servicing a type 44 track car for the last 10 years.  

That said, I've also had many lively automotive discussions with some of the best on the planet, including Pobst, Blomqvist, Buffum, Henderson, even David E. Davis.  That doesn't include my personal relationships over the years with Ritchie, Semple, Rudack, Tackett, Anderson, Mockry, and our very own S. Buchholtz.  And in 17 years on these forums, I'm also well seasoned to pissy moods.  Lucky for me, I'm exposed to much better attitudes and lively discussions the other 99% of the time.  I'm a driving enthusiast, I don't normally speak to opinions of 'reputation and service' where Audi has no unfair advantage, my passion is speaking to awd chassis dynamics, quattro drivetrain differences vs rwd/fwd, and torque vs hp targets.  That requires a broader sense of automotive passion, not carrying an aging flag getting ripped up from too much waving about.

Come on out to Steamboat next year, you might actually have fun, and realize my passion is dancing quattros with extreme prejudice, not driving keyboards in anger on the final tax day....


Scott J
92 v8 Auto 4.2 ABT Chipped
91 v8 Auto 3.6

-----Original Message-----
From: Paul Jager <pjager at telus.net>
To: v8audi <v8 at audifans.com>
Sent: Tue, Apr 17, 2012 8:53 pm
Subject: Re: [V8] Ramblings

What's been said by Scott is straight-up from an automotive standpoint. I 
agree with what was written but how is a V8Q an "ego" choice? Maybe u got it 
reversed ..ie certainly not rational and more of a mental illness choice - 
panache on the cheap - real cheap (think..bag ladies, shopping carts, living 
by the steam pipe)

Fuel costs are killin' the dream here. The thing inhales liters.

-----Original Message----- 
From: toml99 at todomundo.com
Sent: Tuesday, April 17, 2012 6:01 PM
To: v8audi
Subject: Re: [V8] Ramblings

"Too many other machines (already built) that make the v8q an ego
choice, not a rational one"

Hey Scott, it was beaten into me at a young age that 'If you don't
have something nice to say, don't say anything at all".....Apparently
nobody ever instilled that in you as you've pretty much managed to
offend everyone on this list at some point, and continue to do so on
every post. You wax poetic about "long time listers calling me an old
fart", which is not quite what I've heard other long time listers
refer to you as.   If you have no concept of your persona, then
that's a mental health issue better reserved for someone
professional.    I went back awhile, and all I see is negative or ego
building.  Maybe you've helped people on this list, but for the most
part, you're just on your own, puffing up your chest, and berating
everyone else.  You share nothing helpful!.  It's tax day and I'm in
a pissy mood and you're the target.  Why don't you do you and
everyone else a favor and part out both of your "better than
everyone's" cars, and move on to the 740 list or wherever it is you'd
rather be, than just bitch about the v8 and how inferior all of us
are to you.  I've got a bumper sticker that I haven't quite put on
that says "F...you you F...ing....F....  Maybe I should send it to
you and you can put it next to that rainbow sticker on the back of
that "tow" truck......Ha....Tom(pissy mood)


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