[V8] T belt slip...

Dave Saad dsaad at icehouse.net
Sat Feb 25 15:01:04 PST 2012

I would bet on the leak being the source of the problem.  I fought a strange noise that radiated all over the front of the motor - and I think others did too - and finally found that coolant got into the bushing of the tensioner and all but glued it in place.  The coolant can come from the thermostat housing, leaky upper hose, or leaky pump.  they all drain right on top of this bushing.  In my case it caused the belt/tensioner to make an odd clack at certain RPMs.  It would come and go with temperature, moon phase, angle of dangle, or anything else to lead you off track.  If you tear it down, I would be real curious how that bushing looks.

I pull the left cover off now and then to inspect for leaks and proper movement of the tensioner.  FWIW, some of the V6 motors have a similar tensioner and similar issues.


On Feb 24, 2012, at 6:13 PM, rasrunnit at yahoo.com wrote:

> I'm in Olympia, WA. 
> Ron, are you talking the delrin bushing? 
> I changed it about 45 k miles ago last time I did the belt. 
> The water pump is not seized but appears to have been leaking.
> Anyway to tell if valves are toast w/o pulling the heads?
> -Jason
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