[V8] Was: Replacing the thermostat Is now: Timing belt time

Allan Vega allanvega at comcast.net
Wed Jul 18 12:41:31 PDT 2012

You need two crank shaft seals. The other is for the oil pump pulley, which is driven by the timing belt.
Sent from my iPhone

On Jul 18, 2012, at 3:33 PM, James Bass <thedvnt at gmail.com> wrote:

> I got a kit from Blauparts - it seemed like the price was reasonable for
> everything that was in the kit:
>   - 1 Timing Belt
>   - 3 Timing Belt Tensioners / Idlers
>   - 1 Timing Belt Tensioner Damper
>   - 1 Water Pump w/ Gasket
>   - 1 Front Crank Seal
>   - 2 Viton Camshaft Seal
>   - 2 Distributor Shaft Seals
>   - 6 Liters G12 Plus German Antifreeze (4 - 1.5L Bottles)
>   Appropriate amount for complete cooling system flush.
>   - Thread Locking Compound
> Just checked - $460 for their kit - shipped.  Looking at Rockauto - looks
> like the price is somewhat comparable, if you were to buy all the parts
> individually from Rockauto (TB + Tensioner: $100, Idlers/etc: $250 (3), WP:
> $47, Seals: ~$30 - and these are all the lowest cost items...).
> But all of that stuff should be replaced, unless you want to go back in a
> month or so and have to put in a new front crank seal, or something like
> that...  ...or worse...
> Replace the oil pump seal too - while you are there.  Fan
> bearing/clutch...  My Fan bearing was AWFUL and LOUD.  Uhmmm... ...that's
> all I can think of, personally at the moment...
> --j
> On Wed, Jul 18, 2012 at 12:51 PM, John Bysinger <doog at bysinger.net> wrote:
>> Well, the darn V8 addiction kept me from letting the car go.  Instead it
>> got parked until I could afford to get these issues taken care of.  Well
>> now, I can so it's time to order some parts and while I've got the front
>> end apart I'm going to try to address all the problems I can reach with the
>> front end out of the way.
>> My todo list:

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