[V8] oxygen sensor

Seamus O'Carey cheshirecatsbox at gmail.com
Wed Jul 18 18:15:47 PDT 2012

I think you can use one from a Chevy S-10, Bosch # 15718. It has 4 wires,
but the 4th wire you just attach to ground. The important thing though is
it's about $25.


On Wed, Jul 18, 2012 at 5:38 PM, Chris Brown <sacheldog at hotmail.com> wrote:

> I got the 1990 v8 up on ramps tonight and gave the old oxygen sensor a
> good soaking. I didnt attempt to remove it.
> Upon further examination i noticed the unit in the car has 2 whit and 1
> black wires. The unit i purchased is only 1 white and 1 black. I dont think
> im going to put this one in. (it was cheaper by about 35 dollars)
>  The car is running way to rich once it warms up. Even more so since i
> changed the fuel filter.  (more fuel) i suppose. Its also getting awful gas
> mileage. At times its running so poor at idle when warm im wondering if
> she's firing on all 8. So i pulled plugs one at a time and all 8 are
> firing. Its a subtle difference but there is a difference when wires are
> pulled one at a time.
>  When i start the car when engine is entirely cold, it runs great for
> about a minute. It also seems to run great over 3000 rpms. Which is hard to
> do sometime in Connecticut traffic.
>  I had a bad distributer cap and the result was a red hot CAT a few months
> ago. That issue has been fixxed but i think i must have ruined the o2
> sensor that day.
> How much would a shop charge me to pull all codes?
>  I need to get this this thing running perfectly for the winter season.
>   thanks
>    Chris 1990 v8
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