[V8] Was: Replacing the thermostat Is now: Timing belt time

toml99 at todomundo.com toml99 at todomundo.com
Thu Jul 19 23:53:14 PDT 2012

I'll second Dave(while on holiday in Spain.....;-(}  about the  
removing of the cam plates.  Both the parts car, and the black car  
had/have small leaks that I'm sure are from those o-ring seals(that I  
believe are NLA), and no reason not to take them off while in there  
and goo them up with your favorite sealant.. Might as well also deal  
with that small cover on the passenger rear head below the distributor 
(rounded triangle 2 nuts/1 bolt?.....) anyway, they all seem to leak  
there also.  After doing the belt on the Lago last summer, not even a  
weep anywhere....for now....kinda nice.  Tom

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