[V8] V8 Headliner

Kent McLean kentmclean at comcast.net
Fri Jun 15 18:53:16 PDT 2012

toml99 at todomundo.com wrote:
> http://tinyurl.com/83xlu79

And that orange line around the edges is not headliner. It is
a foam-like stickum that clings to *everything*.  The headliner
fabric will peel away from the cardboard, exposing the stickum.
It is the most god-awful stuff you can imagine. You can scrape
it off easy enough, but you won't get all of it. And the orange
color will stain the leather seats and your fingers. It will
get on everything you touch.  I gingerly carried a previously
removed headliner (from a 200 Avant) from my barn to the wagon,
and that orange stickum covered my clothes.

But, Tom's image should encourage you. Just don't pull off the
headliner fabric and hope to work from there.  Pull out the
entire headliner in one piece, cardboard backing and fabric

Kent McLean
1999 A4 Avant, V6 Tiptronic
gone: too many to count, including my first, "Bad Puppy"

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