[V8] Subject: LP/CNG/and LNG conversions

Mike Arman Armanmik at earthlink.net
Sat Mar 10 19:39:44 PST 2012

Some further research on the preheat question turns up an interesting tidbit.

Seems the vaporizer/regulator needs to be kept warm NOT so much to vaporize the propane, but to keep 
it from freezing up! Dual fuel vehicles do this by starting on gasoline until the water temp is up, 
then switching to propane. The vaporizer/regulator is connected to some heater hoses and that keeps 
it warm.

Propane-only vehicles may ice up before the water temp comes up.

Now just suppose we placed a 12 volt 300 watt ceramic heater in a snug little insulated box in 
combination with the vaporizer/regulator? Turn on heater, warm regulator a minute or two, start car. 
When water temp exceeds 50C, ceramic heater clicks off.

Or have I gotten this completely wrong? (which is also possible)

Best regards,

Mike Arman

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