[V8] Cruise Control Actuator

Bob Tomkins j.tomkins at zipcon.net
Thu May 3 18:51:28 PDT 2012

Thanks to everyones help I have my sticking throttle fixed and have moved on to the cruise control.  While at the back of the engine I saw the actuator and its linkage to the throttle.  Is the rod suppose to be attached to the rubber  bellows of the actuator?  

I believe I read that the vacuum pump is in  the drivers fender and wanted to confirm this, as I have not found anything related to the vacuum system in the fiches (unless someone can point me to the right section).  I want to check vacuum in the hoses and figured this was the correct starting point.  

I also read I need to check the brake vacuum switch as well as wiring in the column and the stalk switch.  Anything I have missed?

92 V8Q

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