[V8] sighting in Boulder

Ed Kellock ed.kellock at gmail.com
Sun May 6 21:47:01 PDT 2012

I was in Boulder over the weekend and on Saturday evening I was sitting
outside at the Hotel Boulderado and just turned in time to see a glimpse of
a Cyclamen (I think) V8 5spd, lowered w/some sort of exhaust, drive by.  I
heard it first but just caught a glimpse.  It was a V8q for sure and I'm
pretty sure I heard a manual transmission shift.  Just wondering if it might
have been a lister or if a lister is aware of a similar car in Boulder.
The black 93 was a dream over the weekend.  I replaced the throttle cable
recently so the downshift works properly and it just ran great.  I haven't
had it out on the road for quite some time, so maybe it was just that, but
nevertheless, I enjoyed the trip immensely.  We ran up to Estes Park and
back down a different way.  Definitely reminded me of why I bother.

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