[V8] Super Low Mile 5K

Dave C dconner at gmail.com
Thu May 31 21:24:51 PDT 2012


With all due respect, I differ with you on a number of points.

I do agree with you that the lack of title may be a problem.  However, that
car does not have steel wheels, the dash is typical, and there is no reason
to assume the low miles are due to an auto transmission problem.  I believe
that indented dash pad was on all non-turbo type 44's prior to 1989.

The low miles >could< be due to an IC or odo swap, but based on the photos
the car looks like the miles could be real.  I've had a couple of these
cars with over 200K miles on auto transmission (AT), and still have an 87
5KS with over 200K miles with no transmission problems.  What I've heard is
that some cars had early AT failures, and some didn't.  None of mine had AT
problems and in my opinion, these are great cars.  The only obvious prob
with the one on ebay is lack of title.
- -
Dave C

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