[V8] 1982 Mercedes 240D

toml99 at todomundo.com toml99 at todomundo.com
Thu Apr 11 20:32:16 PDT 2013

Hey all, since there's basically no traffic on the site, and I know  
some of you(can't recall who) have been MB guys, just asking a few  
questions.  I'm helping an old friend unearth her beloved MB that's  
sat for 5 yrs because of a siezed up front caliper.  Luckily it takes  
a type 49 battery, and I just happened to have a spare so went over  
yesterday and it sparked right up in 1/2 revolution.  Ordered rebuilt  
front calipers/rotors/pads all around/Master cylinder/front shocks.   
Went with the Gabriel shocks for $22/each since she's on disability  
and some of this is coming out of my pocket. The one's on the car are  
vintage '82 and leaked out awhile ago.   Whole package came to just  
over $400.  Main question is on the front bearings.  They're tapered  
bearings that you set the nut just tight.....book calls for a dial  
caliper to measure float....I'm confident the guy who had them off  
last time just went tight/backed off a bit (boat mechanic).    I've  
had 2 other vehicles(toyota truck and something I don't recall) that  
had those type bearings and I did the tight/backed off a bit method  
and my truck is still on the road with those bearings and the last  
time I touched them was about 20 yrs ago......The guys on the MB  
sites say dial caliper (which i can borrow)or the bearings will fail  
in 100's of miles.......I must also buy some special green grease if  
I'm to follow them but , but was wondering if anyone on here's  
btdt.....Car was a gem 10 yrs ago when she got it with low miles, but  
her opiate friendly ex- husband ran a stop, and someone hit the rear  
door and it's currently spray-foamed in place.....drivetrain is  
happy.  Any info/spare parts taking up space....let me  
know...Sincerely, Tom

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