[V8] v8 5 speed "super car"

cobram at juno.com cobram at juno.com
Mon Aug 12 09:33:17 PDT 2013

Take lots of pictures, this car needs to be on prominent display at the
Audi Museum in Germany.  Someone could make some serious money buying it
and then selling it back to the boys from Ingolstadt!  

How many people can boast they have a "1 of 10"  which "car will beat
99.9% of International Harvester, Kia, AND Navistar International" !!! 
Although I would like to own the 00.1% of those makes that can beat it!

It would be worth twice the money if it was one of the 2 out of those 10
which was painted in either tweaker brown, or Heisenberg powderpuff blue.
 This may be the only chance mere mortals have of joining that elite
group of car aficionados who can own a vehicle that is so high in the
collector car stratosphere.  Get your ass down to the nampa by 12th Ave.
walmart now, before it's gone!

Experience is the name everyone gives to their mistakes.

dsaad at icehouse.net writes:
> OH BOY!!!
> This guy lives by me! I will get to see this super car in 
> person!!!!!
> I think I have seen this car before - it is owned by a punk friend 
> of some
> punks who rented a house from me a few years ago. The only people I 
> had to
> ask to leave - in almost 20 years of renting the house.
> If it is him, he is dumb as dirt, but that car was an automatic. I 
> suspect
> the cats were sold for scrap for crack money - and to help getting 
> the
> speed up to 207 MPH (or was that Kmh?).
> I will have to call him for the full rundown on this awesome 
> machine.
> Dave
> > i always think of myself as a newbie novice to Audis and Cars in 
> general
> > however when i see adds like this i smile and realize there are a 
> lot of
> > people who know less than me........  :-)
> >  This guy is a clown!!!      What the hell does "one of ten" mean 
> anyway?
> >  Chris   1990 V8

> "too many quattros" 
> <thequattroking at yahoo.com>
> >> wrote:
> >>
> >> > http://boise.craigslist.org/cto/3901414473.html
> >> >
> >> >
> >> > Shayne

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