[V8] 2002 A6 Quattro V8 4.2L. Starting problem

Kent McLean kentmclean at comcast.net
Sun Aug 18 17:01:01 PDT 2013

John Zofchak wrote:
> Yes Kent it may not have been my best choice, but it is what I ended up
> with.
> Have plug and play full down pipe that is exact fit.  expected the tight
> fit.  Thanks for the tip on the Ford o2, how do I find out which ones I
> need?  the one online is for a different year.
> Hopefully once this gets some issues fixed it should be reliable.  sure
> do love the way it drives.
> Big problem is it got me home Sat. and won't start since. ????

Go to www.audifans.com and enter "ford v8 o2 sensor" into the search 
box. You'll get a lot of hits.

For a no-start, there could be lots of reasons, but we'd need to know 
more. Does the starter spin, or is it just a click? Does the starter 
turn the engine over? Does it turn the engine over slowly, or normally? 
Etc. I wrote up a no-start procedure for the Knowledgebase, but it seems 
to be down.

You should get a generic OBD-II diagnostic code reader.  That'll tell 
about any trouble codes, which you can then look up on-line.  A better 
but more expensive option is VCDS from www.ross-tech.com. (It used to be 
called VAG-COM.) That'll do a whole lot more than a generic reader.

P.S. I CC'd the list, to keep the thread going.

Kent McLean
'02 VW Beetle TDI, and a lot of ex-Audis, including Bad Puppy

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