[V8] 2002 A6 Quattro V8 4.2L. Starting problem

Scott DeWitt scotty at advancedautomotion.com
Sun Aug 18 17:43:34 PDT 2013

OEM sensors are not terribly expensive, and the universal Bosch sensors
are even less. You'll spend more in time trying to retrofit something than
just buying the proper parts.

AS far as the no start, scan codes, and report back.

On Sun, August 18, 2013 7:01 pm, Kent McLean wrote:
> John Zofchak wrote:
>> Yes Kent it may not have been my best choice, but it is what I ended up
>> with.
>> Have plug and play full down pipe that is exact fit.  expected the tight
>> fit.  Thanks for the tip on the Ford o2, how do I find out which ones I
>> need?  the one online is for a different year.
>> Hopefully once this gets some issues fixed it should be reliable.  sure
>> do love the way it drives.
>> Big problem is it got me home Sat. and won't start since. ????
> Go to www.audifans.com and enter "ford v8 o2 sensor" into the search
> box. You'll get a lot of hits.
> For a no-start, there could be lots of reasons, but we'd need to know
> more. Does the starter spin, or is it just a click? Does the starter
> turn the engine over? Does it turn the engine over slowly, or normally?
> Etc. I wrote up a no-start procedure for the Knowledgebase, but it seems
> to be down.
> You should get a generic OBD-II diagnostic code reader.  That'll tell
> about any trouble codes, which you can then look up on-line.  A better
> but more expensive option is VCDS from www.ross-tech.com. (It used to be
> called VAG-COM.) That'll do a whole lot more than a generic reader.
> P.S. I CC'd the list, to keep the thread going.
> --
> Kent McLean
> '02 VW Beetle TDI, and a lot of ex-Audis, including Bad Puppy
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Scott DeWitt
Advanced Automotion
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