[V8] update side view mirror and short.

Tom Laplante toml99 at todomundo.com
Fri Feb 1 22:44:11 PST 2013

Hey Chris, that red "on/off" button is the Child Safety Switch, and  
cuts power to the rear windows/cigar lighter when in the down  
position,  When I was young, there was nothing named the "Child Safety  
Switch", and if little Johnny wanted to stick a red hot lighter on his  
tongue, he'd learn a good life-long lesson.   For us, it's just  
another complication in what could be a simplier/more troublefree  
electrical system.  I've never had one light up in 5 V8's, so I guess  
I've had 5 with bad bulbs(including my spare) so at least you know the  
bulb is good or it's trying to catch fire.  I can send you a known  
good switch that doesn't light up for yours and you can see if that's  
the problem....Ha.
Anyway, I'm no electrical guru, but I'm pretty sure that the mirror  
doesn't share wires with the rear windows(according to the diagram),  
and didn't think the RF harness in the door has anything to do with  
the rears, but your tinkering makes me think otherwise, and if anyone  
know's better, chime in.  If you haven't checked the door boots,  
that's a good start....Tom

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