[V8] 90 v8q 4300 rpm stumble/ign cut

toml99 at todomundo.com toml99 at todomundo.com
Mon Feb 18 20:21:35 PST 2013

Hey Derek,  if there are no codes, then it's usually a fuel delivery/ 
ignition thing....Can't tell you how many people/myself included,  
solved wierd things by replacing caps/rotors that looked fine.  Not  
sure what the problem is, but the caps carbon up really quick.  Plug  
wires tend to get old when they are $200+ a set, and my experience is  
that fresh wires make a big difference in a perfectly running car.   
If you've got the Bosch plugs, try the Autolite 103's($2/each?) that  
a "prophet" told me to run years ago....Ha...cheap way to rule out a  
bad plug, and for some bizarre reason, seem to run better than those  
$100/ 4 prong ones I bought years ago and have them in both my 5- 
speed and my Lago.  After seeing what was in the last parts cars fuel  
tank, I replaced both good cars filters even though they were newish/ 
low miles after seeing all that funk in the tank.  Not sure if it's a  
coating or what, but 1/2 coffee cup full of black flakes/goo and it  
was stuck to the filter screen on the pump.  Unless someone's been in  
there, there's 22 yrs of funk in a tank that's not very fun to  
remove.....When I do my 5-speed overhaul sometime soon, injector  
cleaning/replacement is in it's future since I"m sure it would  
benifit, but runs fine......Tom

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