[V8] passenger door panel removal and frustrating elec issue

Tom Laplante toml99 at todomundo.com
Thu Jan 31 08:50:09 PST 2013

Hey Chris, pretty sure it's a 2.5mm hex, but ?  The safety switch(red)  
is connected to fuse 21,the window control unit and the rear cig  
lighter and rear windows.  I know this since I was just messing with  
the same thing on the Black car.  If fuse is ok, then when you get the  
drivers switch console out you can visually/do checks from the book on  
that safety switch/etc.  Pull the door boot apart and see if there  
arent any visibily bad wires(I think I found 9).  In Blackies case,  
the problem was somewhere between the safety switch and the rear seat/ 
lighter, and that's as far as I got.  Figure out what relay was making  
the buzzing.  You can't assume because there's no light on switch that  
it isn't getting power, 1/2 my switch's have bad bulbs, but work  
fine.  You get no drain with the rear switch's because they aren't  
getting power.  That's all I know.  Tom

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