[V8] Greasy

Ed Kellock ekellock at gmail.com
Sat Jul 6 08:35:06 PDT 2013

I just recently discovered that both front axle boots on the avant are
ripped. *sigh*.
On Jul 5, 2013 11:17 PM, "toml99 at todomundo.com" <toml99 at todomundo.com>

> Every time I had to "fix" a CV boot on a V8, I just threw in a spare used
> axle...Problem with that method, is eventually the spare axles are all
> torn.....Soooo, I spent the last 4-5 hrs dissasembling/cleaning 2
> axles.....got 1 completely greased/rebooted, other cleaned and ready for
> the boot kit that is supposed to arrive in the morning.  This was my first
> experience with V8 CV's, and I couldn't believe how nice and unworn a 200K
> CV was....It's been years since I took apart a CV as I'd opt for a
> rebuilt/new axle if it was affordable as I'd consider it one of the
> crappier mechanical things one can do....I'm going to get a 2" longer bolt
> to pull the outer joint and it will be a piece of cake doing the
> others....It was good, as I'm going to be rebooting a bunch here, and when
> I come up with a "hassle factor" number, might have a few extra sets to
> sell.  REALLY need to get a parts cleaner/build some kind of "station" as
> it was just a f@#$ mess....I accidently backed into a quart paint bucket
> full of nasty reused kerosene in the backyard and it filled my new work
> shoes.....Yeah....Sincerely, Tom
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