[V8] Speak of computers and modules..

Scott DeWitt scotty at advancedautomotion.com
Tue Jun 4 07:48:56 PDT 2013

The D2's aren't bad in terms of computers there are perhaps a half dozen
of them.. However that changed with the D3's...

I bought a very nice 07 at an auction, it was MINT.. Except that I had
discovered that the P/O left the drivers side window down during a
rainstorm... There are a dozen modules in the drivers side floor board
alone, stacked 3 deep (about 6 inches of modules. and no drain holes..
Sigh.... All are $1200+ and all require dealer magic that does not exist
in a Vag-com near as I can tell.

There are also 4 in the door that are apparently on the fritz as well.
>From what I understand you have to replace each module individually then
program then replace and program. My dealer told me if you replace too
many modules at once, you have to do programming comparable to what they
do when a new car is received and that process/software does not exist for
the D3.


On Mon, June 3, 2013 9:36 pm, Tony and Lillie wrote:
> We are a bit off subject here now, so I'll go ahead and add this. Auto vs
> manual in a german car?
> All the justification I need is in the repair/replacement bills. I've
> replaced two manuals ever in all my years wrenching, tons of autos. MUCH
> higher failure rate. That, in itself, is justification enough for me.
> Though, the V8 auto's are generally quite robust and do not stick to that
> generalization.
> BTW, the last Phaeton I did a full scan on had 28 modules. A Q7 I just
> worked on had 34, though. Boggles the mind, my 4kq has one. I've never
> scanned any VAG product with more than 35, though I suspect some of the
> newer A8's have upwards of 45. I generally only see up to about 08's in
> the
> shop right now.
> Tony
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Professor GT gmail" <CavalloGT at gmail.com>
> Subject: Re: [V8] gearbox swap questions
>> Better fuel economy with a manual?
>> NOT!
>> Maybe years ago, but with today's electronic controls, automatics are
>> far
>> superior.
>> Vehicle Control? See previous response!
>> Pulling power? That thing called a torque converter kicks a clutches ass
>> hands down every time! See previous response!
>> Driver Comfort, and ease of operation?
>> Do I even need to ask?
>> And with all this in mind, when applied to larger vehicles the case is
>> even more compelling for automatics! Any trucker who buys a new vehicle
>> with a stick is just kidding himself! The ONLY reason a trucker would
>> prefer a stick is because of the Neanderthal effect. It has been proven
>> over and over, beyond a shadow of a doubt that an Allison automatic is
>> far
>> superior to any manual or automated manual ever created.
>> Okay, now that I got that off my chest and put those facts out there,
>> before you call me a hypocrite, let me say that I have my V8 5-speed for
>> the novelty and rarity factors, coupled with the fact that its just fun
>> to
>> drive! That is at least until I hit traffic!
>> Having an original factory V8 5-speed is cool, and to the automotive
>> purist represents the best that the Europeans had to offer in its class,
>> at the time.
>> I spite of the traffic I have not grown tired of it, and view it as a
>> blessing for the long weekend commutes I've been doing since last
>> Fall...........but an automatic is in the wings to replace my 5-speed as
>> a
>> daily driver so I can save the stick for special occasions!
>> Now I feel much better that my rant is done! LOL
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Scott DeWitt
Advanced Automotion
Ph:  720.4.GEARS.1 (720.443.2771)
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