[V8] Larger Valves?

Andy Rohrbach acrohrbach3 at gmail.com
Thu Mar 28 16:57:23 PDT 2013

Has anyone ever tried larger valves in the ABH motor?  If so please
enlighten me on the subject!  I currently have a 91' ABH 5spd.  I was able
to obtain the cylinder heads out of a Euro spec 6spd. V8.  The cams are
much larger but the ports are equal to that of a U.S. ABH.  The valve sizes
available are .5mm or 2mm larger for both the intake and exhaust.  Also
available is a Ferrea valve train, manganese/bronze valve guides and
adjustable timing chain sprockets.  Not sure about an adjustable timing
belt cam sprocket.  Any advise?  -Andy

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