[V8] Larger Valves?

kyle leatherwood kyle_leatherwood at hotmail.com
Thu Mar 28 18:35:39 PDT 2013

Andy, I am sure that Scott J can chime in on what you're wanting to do.  As much as I bust his balls, his 2 cents would probably give you some insight and points to ponder before you get in too deep, and he has had some pretty good experience with perfomance stuff on V8's.  

I had a friend who had his 4.2 maxed out with euro cams, but did not have larger valves, only ported and polished.  I think the only way we could have unleashed the full potential of that motor would have been to do stand alone on it with lots of dyno time, something we never did before he sold it.

Best of luck.  I miss my 5 speed, but I know Allen is taking good care of it!


Sent from my iPhone

On Mar 28, 2013, at 6:57 PM, "Andy Rohrbach" <acrohrbach3 at gmail.com> wrote:

> Has anyone ever tried larger valves in the ABH motor?  If so please
> enlighten me on the subject!  I currently have a 91' ABH 5spd.  I was able
> to obtain the cylinder heads out of a Euro spec 6spd. V8.  The cams are
> much larger but the ports are equal to that of a U.S. ABH.  The valve sizes
> available are .5mm or 2mm larger for both the intake and exhaust.  Also
> available is a Ferrea valve train, manganese/bronze valve guides and
> adjustable timing chain sprockets.  Not sure about an adjustable timing
> belt cam sprocket.  Any advise?  -Andy
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