[V8] $3000. Audi V8, Mechanical Upgrades

Bob Williams tecniccom at verizon.net
Sat Nov 23 19:21:43 PST 2013

Update on my 5 mile/hour accident. Nationwide wants to Total my car  
for $3000. All it needs is a radiator, hood, bumper, etc., but no  
value has been established recently. Some company, CCC1, can find  
"dealers",  that must live under rocks, to establish their low-ball  
price. I wish Bruce was still in business. Is there a link to the  
German Connection page? We need to continually list our cars, to  
maintain a current market value, or lose to all the Nationwides that  
don't want to pay.

Anyone know where the fuel pump relay is located?   Bob

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