[V8] 400 ma draw

toml99 at todomundo.com toml99 at todomundo.com
Wed Mar 12 22:28:04 PDT 2014

Hey Allan, well I've got a 380MA draw(let's just call it 400) in the  
5-speed and it's fuse 4 and fuse 27(motronic) with fuse 27 being the  
hog......I haven't gotten any further than that, and after pulling  
those fuses, doesn't draw down the battery....hopefully it's  
something obvious in the external wiring.  I"d unplug the vacuum pump  
and see what happens.  Both parts cars had a leaky/missing hose, and  
it just ran.  If you need one, I just got another...Ha.  For that  
matter, I've apparently also got all 4 door vacuum thingy's.....Also,  
if anyone needs any Platinum Grey interior  panels/seats/whatever,  
let me know as I'm not holding onto it for long.  I saved all 4  
Indigo Pearl doors(since the 5-speed is Indigo, but not totally sure  
I'll hold onto them for long either due to space......)...Just got  
home with the last of it, and that's positively the last V8 I'll part 
(at least that's what I told my girlfriend....Ha.....Tom

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