[V8] Steering Rack Mount

Samuel Mrowka smrowka at gmail.com
Sun Apr 10 18:28:49 PDT 2016

Hi Tom, I had something similar happen to my '93 V8. Removed the strut,
drilled out the bracket spot welds, then had someone re-weld the bracket
in. Had to do this twice since the first time was not strong enough and it
was still flexing. The second time the guy welded around the entire bracket
rather than just the spot welds. Has been holding up good since then - 3
years now.



On Sun, Apr 10, 2016 at 7:31 PM, toml99 at todomundo.com <toml99 at todomundo.com>

> Hey all, well got so excited the 5-speed started, kinda forgot about the
> other main reason I parked it.  The rack mount was cracked either when I
> got it or shortly after.  I made up that aluminum plate quite awhile back
> that I thought was gonna be an easy fix to the cracks around the inner
> hole.  What's now happened is it supported the center, but tore the spot
> welds out/tore fender so that the whole thing's moving.  Gonna have to pull
> the strut tower and have a buddy do some welding/make up some beefier
> support for that, and will post that event when I get to it hopefully this
> week.  Hopefully everyone will go out and verify the integrity of theirs,
> as it's not the first one thats cracked, and my bandaid was in no way a
> fix.  Video shows me barely moving the wheel.....scary.  Tom
> http://tinyurl.com/zdn63n7
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