[V8] PS Distributor 91 V8 5 Speed

cobram at juno.com cobram at juno.com
Mon Dec 19 09:53:34 PST 2016

If you get on it, you'll notice it.  When the ECU in the V8Q doesn't
receive a Hall Sensor signal,  it retards the timing 20 degrees and
disables the knock sensors.

I'm sure someone on here has a spare dizzy or two, if you don't have any
luck I might be persuaded to brave the cold and building supplies I have
piled on my low mileage spare 1990 V8Q to yank the distributor. 

If you're near Boston, I can give you a screaming deal on the complete
car or three.  ;-)  
Experience is the name everyone gives to their mistakes.

oneluv <oneluvquattro at gmail.com> writes:
> Hello gang,
> I believe there was talk sometime ago about the passengers side 
> distributor
> and what all is entailed about the hall sensor it contains? 
> Basically to
> make a long story short I am running a drivers side distributor on 
> the
> passengers side currently due to needing a car and currently this 
> being it.
> I obviously have no sensor plugged in, but I also seem to have no 
> running
> issues other than a check engine light from the sensor being 
> unplugged, at
> least that I can tell via my butt. I am doing a temporary fix to my
> existing PS dizzy... but... What's the general consensus on doing 
> such an
> activity?
> P.S.
> Any known good PS Distributor's for sale?
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