[V8] timing belt

toml99 at todomundo.com toml99 at todomundo.com
Tue Mar 15 15:58:34 PDT 2016

I've used 3 of the Blau kits and was happy that at least there was nothing made in China(at the time).  However, the last one came with a Saleri waterpump(made in italy) and the tensioner mount hole was drilled too large, and was threadless.  To tap and go up one size, the new bolt would have been bigger than the moon shaped slot in tensioner, and since it looked like it had had a "recent" belt job, opted to leave the old pump.  This was for the black car that went to my friend's son, and thankfully, he's put about 40K on it, and no issues.  Since I didn't really need a replacement waterpump that I didn't want, I asked if they could send me a serpentine belt/brake pads/something of equal value that I could use.  They sent me a box of Ravenol car wash/wax.  Next time around, probably will shop elsewhere.  

The oil pump bearing/fan clutch bearing are the same dealer item, but the one they call "intermediate bearing" 077115136A was the cheaper of the 2 and I got them from a dealer in s.cal(can't find receipt right now), and paid $75/each about 4 yrs ago.  Would love to find a source for just the stepped bearing in that triangular holder, but the huge bearing supply place in town said it appears to be an oddball.  

My Lago cars brakes bleed quickly and effortlessly.  All the rest, for whatever reason, just seem to take forever.  Not sure if it has anything to do with that proportioner valve or what, but that black car took a pressure bleeder and someone on the pedal old school to get that rt rear to bleed(had to do it a couple of times).  5-speed also is slow to do the rears.  I'd guess there's still a bubble in yours somewhere giving you that spongy pedal/light.  It took 5+ quarts to do blacky....I'd do rt rear again, just to verify as that is the one that's caused me problems on 2 v8's.  

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