[V8] V8 Armagedden
scott_matus at yahoo.com
Wed Jul 19 14:36:10 PDT 2017
Scott, I think you hit this one out of the park. 100% accurate assessment of the V8Q and their ownership.
I have actually caught the bug hard and owned 4 V8s at one time. Now Ed Kellock owns 3 of them.
Scott.'03 A6 2.7T'03 UR-RS aka RS-6'13 S5 3.0T
Message: 6
Date: Mon, 17 Jul 2017 23:52:41 -0400
From: Scott Justusson <qshipq at aol.com>
To: v8 at audifans.com
Subject: [V8] v8 armageddon
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Gents, some perspective from a well seasoned quattro owner
I've been on the quattro lists since coimbra days, subscribed to v8 audifans early on... It's been 22 years since then, and another 5 years added to that since my first quattro. Since that time, I have owned dozens of them, literally. I ran a repair/upgrade shop for 12 of that. 4 or so v8, and still have my 92, albeit sitting... Why? Because, although they are fantastic road cars, they have been eclipsed, even within the own chassis series, by much more reliable, inexpensive cars to maintain for the road. For years too, I have been the grinch that stole christmas here, because I saw and predicted the v8, just like the enthusiasts that own them here, would get old. In rebuilds and available time/money, and tolerance with age. And I'm not speaking to just the v8, but to our esteemed list of well seasoned owners. I have been kicked and punted for many years for my curmudgeon ways, but I had the sorry job of handing too many v8 owners a bill for repairs that would choke an elephant. Why? Because you ignore a while you are in there service on a v8, coming back won't be pretty. BTexplainedT
I have seen seasoned enthusiasts fall by the wayside right and left over the years. Why? Because in the end, the v8 is a money dump of the first order. I own 2 S cars at the same time as my ABT tuned 4.2, and I rarely picked the keys for the v8 over the S car... The UrS has stood the test of time in enthusiast and dollars much better than the v8q. Tune a v8 vs tune a Scar? What's the target HP? I've done many tweeked v8s over the years, and they disappoint at the dyno, and for the dollars spent, it is a dump for not much return. Just a computer box in an Scar would put any tweeked v8 to shame... BTDT. And the S car will put down a much better road ride than the v8, in just about every objective and subjective category.
I have had a penchant for v8s as long as I have for the urq that goes back to the first year they came here. But there are known issues with transmission failures, a massive investment in timing belt service (DIY is time, but as we age, time is money), and NLA parts that make the v8 more of a PITA than enjoyment. After 22 years on the list, even the diehard enthusiast has another car they can't comfortably put the loved ones in, and if you own a v8, AAA card in your wallet is on the checklist. I'm not a pessimist, but a realist, the v8 longs for a major driveline upgrade. And unlike the standard issue 20vt motor swap into my 4kq or a B3 chassis, a v8 swap, especially into a v8, is hard to justify. The v8 really begs for the ABZ engine, the COP version of the ABH. But there are some major swaps that need to happen to make that all work... And so goes the motivation. And the longer they sit the more they need... And then the dump happens. And in my case, I spent years trying to get rid of a running 91 with 133k, only to give up, yank the torsen, hubs and rear tails, returning the same money I would have for the whole car - then send it to the yard. And the jerky pulls from those looking for the kill on the CL ads, just plain suck. Ad infinitum to the stories here. BTTT. FB? Please Steve! Try it sometime, they enthusiasts are the worst. Those that know about v8q want it all, plus documents, and hi res pictures, and dozens of emails. Damn dude, I only want 900 for the car!.... I digress from that BS...
I had private email exchanges with many over the years, the most notable being Roger in the past year. He fought me on the reality in PM, but I knew he would come to his senses, because there is no justifying these beasts. Throwing money in the toilet for ego sake is not gonna make peace at home, however the nationalistic flags wave here. And, I've looked for that low mileage 93-94 in green to pop up, owned by some old dude that drove is a couple thousand a year. Never saw it in the last 12 years of looking.... So the eye wanders.
My stable is still full of more classic audi quattros than most anyone here. I knew the v8 wouldn't stand the test of time, it just can't. I claim it is more time than money I can't afford to give it. I applaud anyone that still carries the torch, for me it has burnt out in favor of more favorable mistresses I call quattro. And I so pine for the days when ordering v8 parts with internal code 91, meant that wherever that part was worldwide, it would be expedited, many times overnight. I lived that. Now, I see a machine in my driveway that I predicted here many years ago, failing to appeal to my ego anymore.
Die hard v8q fan, I remain, soon2b emeritus
Scott J
92 v8
95.5 S6 RS2, 6speed 3.89 TDI
95.5 S6 Avant
87 4kq20vt
91 200tq
84 urq
83 urq
87 5ktq caged track car
87 5ktq 'Der ABT'
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