[V8] Anyone near Baltimore?

Roger M. Woodbury rmwoodbury at fairpoint.net
Sun Mar 12 08:38:55 PDT 2017

My V8 is "under contract". Last week I put an ad in the local Craig's 
List to see what might happen. I had received offers from two recyclers 
that were so low I couldn't even THINK about them. One guy suggested I 
try Craig's List.  So far I have received THIRTEEN responses from people 
who want to see the car. Five of them I consider to be serious.

Just as I put the Craigs list ad up, I got an email from a guy who had 
experessed interest in the car a year ago. At that time we failed to 
come to agreement and I figured he wouldn't be interested now since my 
transmission is going out.  Instead we have come to an agreement and I 
am awaiting the transfer of money to my account. He's taking care of 
pickup and transport to him in New York.

So, the hunt for theV8's replacement is on and I have found something 
that would be suitable outside of Baltimore.  If any lister in that area 
has the time, I have a car that I'd love to have someone put "eyes on" 
for me, although it's a bit early in the negotiation as we speak.  It is 
another Audi, though not a V8, alas!

I will try to verify the timing belt issue next week and may get down to 
making a hard offer for the car as early as Tuesday or Wednesday.  If I 
am successful...i.e.:  the dealer will sell me the car at MY 
price....I'll rent a car, drive down and visit my niece and daughter, 
then drive the car back.



Incidentally, I did see two reasonably interesting V8's for sale. One in 
Vermont which is a 4.2litre car with manual conversion, and better 
still, what looks like a pretty clean original 3.6 litre car in Oregon 
for less than $2500.  I'm almost tempted......

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