[Vwdiesel] totalled. again.

Shalyn Shourds sshourds at flash.net
Sat Aug 24 17:33:05 EDT 2002

    Well, I guess I've reached that part of an old VW's life cycle. Got
hit in the parking lot a couple weeks ago.  Nothing big.  Didn't even
notice it until a couple days later, but did put about a 15 inch dent
pushing in the lip of the driver's rear wheel well enough that it rubs
when I go over bumps.  Called it in on my uninsured/underinsured policy
since I didn't know who did it and they told me it was totalled.  Second
time in two years.  On my birthday both times.   Hmmm....  Guess I'd
better walk to work on my birthday two years from now.  Not sure how
many times the insurance people will let me total it out and fix it.  I
always fix it well and it looks good afterwords.  I guess we'll keep
doing this until the totalled value equals my deductable.

    Only part of some concern is that it just doesn't seem to be sitting
quite level.  I'm not sure how that small dent could have made it set
weird.  And, this is the third time it's been hit in the rear, but I
don't remember it setting crooked before.  Maybe it jiggled the bondo
loose from the last time....

    Other problem is, I only have the one car.  Don't have anything else
to drive while this thing gets hammered back out.  Any one have a really
cheap VW Diesel near Dallas?  Looks like it may be towards Thanksgiving
before I can figure out a way to get my old 190D from Indiana.

    Anyhow, just a reminder--the world has it in for old Diesel VW's.

    '85 Jetta TD  270,000 mi.

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