[Vwdiesel] finished, no start

Nate Wall nwall at opei.org
Thu Aug 29 10:22:46 EDT 2002

Check that the glow plugs are getting power after turning the key to "glow".


Kris wrote:

> Ok, so finally after two months of teaching myself how to rebuild this
> rabbit, I have everything back together.
> Cranked and cranked until the battery died.  I guess now comes the hard
> part.  Getting it to start (and troubleshooting the problem).
> I had the head rebuild, and replaced the head gasket and all coolant
> hoses.  Thats about it.
> A couple of things I noticed were fuel leaking from the pump adjustment
> screw (where you hook up a dial indicator) and it seems there is fual
> leaking from a couple of the injectors.  I reused the entire injector.
> I've heard that you need to at least replace the heat shield, and I
> didn't do this.
> The liquid coming from around the injectors looked a bit black.  There
> isn't a chance that the combustion chambers are full of oil?  That would
> suck.
> Anything else I should look into?  I'm thinking I'll re-time the pump.
> --
> I'm just a packet pusher.
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