[Vwdiesel] finished, no start

Gary Shea shea at gtsdesign.com
Thu Aug 29 15:32:59 EDT 2002

Hey Kris --

More thoughts.  I suspect that Nate might have hit it on the head with
the 'loop' vs. 0 observation, but there's one other thing I wanted to
make sure of.  The plastic fitting through which one looks down at the
flywheel and pressure plate has an inner cover which snaps out (often
broken off so you may not have it), and the whole plastic piece unscrews
(hence the raised hex on top).  You have to unscrew the whole thing in
order to see the pointer that pinpoints TDC exactly.  Why they did such
a misleading thing is probably long forgotten, but there it is.


[2002-08-28 18:09 -0700] Kris (krisa at subtend.net) wrote:

> Ok, so finally after two months of teaching myself how to rebuild this
> rabbit, I have everything back together.
> Cranked and cranked until the battery died.  I guess now comes the hard
> part.  Getting it to start (and troubleshooting the problem).
> I had the head rebuild, and replaced the head gasket and all coolant
> hoses.  Thats about it.
> A couple of things I noticed were fuel leaking from the pump adjustment
> screw (where you hook up a dial indicator) and it seems there is fual
> leaking from a couple of the injectors.  I reused the entire injector.
> I've heard that you need to at least replace the heat shield, and I
> didn't do this.
> The liquid coming from around the injectors looked a bit black.  There
> isn't a chance that the combustion chambers are full of oil?  That would
> suck.
> Anything else I should look into?  I'm thinking I'll re-time the pump.
> --
> I'm just a packet pusher.
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