[Vwdiesel] Alternator Adventures

Al Stumbaugh alstum at visuallink.com
Mon Dec 16 08:02:09 EST 2002

The alternator in my '84 Wabbit died the other day
in a snow storm on the way to my daughters house.
Working too much overtime to try to fix it, so I
bought a rebuild from my FLAPS. It went in well,
but when I fired it up there was a loud sound as
the fan on the alternator was rubbing on something.

One of the four screws that hold the unit together
had not been tightened by the rebuilder. No serious
harm done, except it was getting darker and colder.
Took one from the old alternator, took some nuts
from my journey box and tightened them well. Of
course my 1/4" drive 8mm socket was missing, so
it had to be done with an end wrench.

The old alternator did not have any nuts on these
screws, except the one with the connector clip
on it.

My two cents for today.

-- WebMail

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