[Vwdiesel] Good Compression Gauge and stuff FS

TexasTDI TexasVWdriver at hotmail.com
Mon Dec 16 08:53:15 EST 2002

There's one on Ebay right now.


Chris Thornton
1991 VW Jetta GL 2 Door 1.6D - 233k miles
2000 VW Golf GLS 1.9TDI 130hp/229ftlbs - 74k miles
1998 VW Passat GLS 1.8T -- FOR SALE
Amsoil Synthetic Lubricants Dealer #1098500

----- Original Message -----
From: "Karl H. Nitz" <knitz at yahoo.com>
To: "VW Pickup List" <vwpickups at neubayern.net>; "VWDiesel List"
<vwdiesel at audifans.com>
Sent: Monday, December 16, 2002 8:35 AM
Subject: [Vwdiesel] Good Compression Gauge and stuff FS

> My Diesel has been getting slow to start this winter.
> At 206k miles, I think my compression is starting to
> drift downward.  Does anyone have a good source for a
> reasonable $$ compression gauge that fits our diesels?
>  Last time I needed one I rented it from a shop
> nearby, but I wouldn't mind having one handy around
> the garage.
> Also, I have a few items up on THAT auction site.
> General: Diesel Inj. Pump and starter.  Pickup
> specific: Taillights and housings.  My wife would like
> some storage space back, so I have to start making
> room :)
> Regards,
> Karl in Johnsburg, IL

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