[Vwdiesel] Good Compression Gauge and stuff FS

Karl H. Nitz knitz at yahoo.com
Mon Dec 16 06:35:20 EST 2002

My Diesel has been getting slow to start this winter.
At 206k miles, I think my compression is starting to
drift downward.  Does anyone have a good source for a
reasonable $$ compression gauge that fits our diesels?
 Last time I needed one I rented it from a shop
nearby, but I wouldn't mind having one handy around
the garage.

Also, I have a few items up on THAT auction site.
General: Diesel Inj. Pump and starter.  Pickup
specific: Taillights and housings.  My wife would like
some storage space back, so I have to start making
room :)

Karl in Johnsburg, IL
'81 VW Rabbit Truck, 206k miles
'89 Volvo 240DL, 143k miles

Pressure bleed your Audi/VW brakes yourself.  Check
out www.bleederbuddy.com for information on the $10 tool.

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