[Vwdiesel] Getting rid of an air pocket

boyer at cts.com boyer at cts.com
Fri Dec 20 14:18:00 EST 2002

I have been filling my VW from the upper hose for the last ten years
or so...but in the last several, I have also drilled an 1/8" hole
in the flat part of the thermostat to facilitate air expulsion.
Doesn't have to be an eighth...but whatever looks right.

Some thermostats are built this way at the factory, but I can't
recall if the Wahler (sp) I buy for the VW are so set up.

Works like a charm on the old IH, though...and its five gallon
cooling system!


Chris Boyer

LBaird119 at aol.com writes:
>> Problem was not the thermostat.  Seems like there is an air pocket and
>> been recommended that the cooling system be "burped".
>>  Since it's a little heavy and awkward to hold the Jetta over my
>> pat it's back, can someone recommend another method?
>  Simple, you just fill it through the upper hose.  Generally after a
>of heat/cool cycles the bubble works it's way to the reservoir.
>     Loren
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