[Vwdiesel] Emission testing in Ontario, Canada

LBaird119 at aol.com LBaird119 at aol.com
Thu Feb 14 11:34:31 EST 2002

> The county I live in (Clark) in Washington State requires emission checks on
>  all vehicles, diesel included.

  Wow, Chelan County doesn't have any type of inspection except for out of
state or rebuilds.  Very few smokers (gas or diesel) around though.  Gee,
a shock.  People, for the most part, want their cars running decently!
  I remember Jake taking the "snap" test in Seattle.  They let you snap the
throttle.  So, just to be sure, he snapped it a little slowly.  :)
  Smoking for more than 5 seconds at idle??  I wonder what they define as
smoke?  You can see it with the sun behind it, wafting over the car, is there
a solar eclipse??  ;-)  That picture I took of Jake's Rabbit "launching" at
first drag at PIR....  Now THAT'S opacity!  :D

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