[Vwdiesel] 0w30 Mobil 1

James Hansen jhsg at sk.sympatico.ca
Mon Feb 25 03:46:24 EST 2002

----- Original Message -----
From: James Hansen <jhsg at sk.sympatico.ca>
To: <dieseltdi at earthlink.net>
Sent: Monday, February 25, 2002 3:37 AM
Subject: Re: [Vwdiesel] 0w30 Mobil 1

> > Also, I hope you don't live in a hot climate, the 0 rated oil may allow
> your
> > engine to simply burn it self out due to lack of lubrication.  Now if I
> > lived on the north slope of alaska then maybe, just maybe, I would use
> > for the winter time but NEVER in the summer.  Just my 2 cents, Hayden
> I use the 0-40 Shell synth oil in winter, very nice.  The 0-30 that was
> previous oil they produced for this application was not rated for td's, so
> tried it in the wife's gas car.... it sounded about like I was using apple
> juice instead of oil.When spring gets here, you want to change out the
> too- it's fairly noisy if you don't.  Would suspect that if it's noisy, it
> isn't doing a very good job of oiling either.
> EGR... yes the 97 Passat tdi uses cooled egr/ engine soot wearer-outer
> device.  It seems that it is now possible to defeat the thing with your
> handy Vag-Com by resetting adaptation channel 3 to 33768 (login code
> However, that said, it would be illegal to do this in the land of the
> because of emissions regulations. Much better to wear your engine out
> prematurely in the name of nitrogen emissions measured by percentage of
> exhaust gases.  So where does the energy come from to make a rebuilt
> you may ask... hmmmm.  If you are running the stock setup, never mind what
> the minimum spec for the oil is, use as good a soot handler as you can,
> 'cause you are going to be carrying a pocketful by the time the drain
> interval is up.  The ecu wants to see less airflow from the MAF when the
> is called to open.  If this doesn't happen, it gives an error code and a
> light because it's an emissions issue.
> Also bear in mind, that the oil sold by VW would not have been called
> synthetic a few years ago.  After some big court cases about how much
> modifying needs to be done to an oil in order to call it a synthetic,
> than the idea of building the oil from scratch (natural gas or other
> source) , a whole pile of oil is now "synthetic" rather than what it
> is- a severely hydrocracked mineral oil.  "Synthetic" is more a marketing/
> advertising word used just to sell product than an actual description of
> product quality, as most people still consider it to relate to product
> quality.
> -James

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