[Vwdiesel] Rabbit Alternator Replacement options

David J Hatzenbuhler hatzie at fuse.net
Sun Jan 27 19:16:25 EST 2002

There were several posts a month ago on the list about possibly replacing
the VW alternators on our rigs.
I replaced my Bosch unit with a 55 amp Hitachi IR155-28 from a 1984 Subaru

I have a spare parts shelf with a couple GM Pickup Delco 10SI and Subaru
Hitachi as well as Motorola and Bosch VW alternators.with both flavors of
mounting ears....

The 65 amp Delco, which was my first choice, is not an easy fit but could be
done given a couple days.  I intend to try a Delco unit eventually.

The Hitachi is almost a bolt in.  I had to massage the cast bracket with my
milling machine  to fit the Hiitachi over the outside of the ears, add a
small diameter spacer to the swing bracket, use a shorter belt and longer
mounting bolts.
IT'S ALIVE.......    14.5 volts charge at idle on startup noo blipping the
throttle at all it even stays stable with high beams, the radio, and all the
accessories on.  The Bosch units have never worked like this even when they
were new. If it continues to work this week I will never go back to the
Bosch units ever.

Buut If I really wanted to I could go back to the VW units all the Hitachi
wiring is separate from the VW stuff which is covered in grease now and tied
The bracket wasn't changed in a manner that affects mounting inside the ears
just the outside.
Wiring is simple once I figured out what to do with the sense wires...

I will eventually post details with pictures on my website.

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