[Vwdiesel] An interesting BioDiesel datapoint
Shalyn Shourds
sshourds at flash.net
Wed Jun 19 23:24:48 EDT 2002
At the same meeting with the same TNRCC engineer, there was
some mention of BioDiesel. I should mention that I work
with a large sewer plant (162 Million Gallons per day
large). One of the biggest problems with the business is
grease in the lines. Grease can plug a 24 inch line pretty
easy and then you get manhole lids blowing all over town and
lovely fountains of raw sewage. Grease also can take out a
plant's biological process. This engineer mentioned a gent
who owns a Ford dealership (Marstaller Ford, Lincoln, etc.)
in Waco, Texas who backed some Baylor University engineers
and developed a portable bioDiesel plant that is supposedly
able to take yellow grease (good fryer grease) and even
brown grease (the not so good nastiness found festering in
grease traps behind restaurants and in the intake of sewer
plants). He's pushing this design to cities to help deal
with grease problems at their plants and to give them a
return in the way of bioDiesel.
I tried pumping this engineer for more information but I
figured out real quick that I knew more about bioDiesel than
he did. (The scientist's eternal complaint about
engineers.) In any event, it's certainly an interesting
approach. Downside is, of course, that people may start to
realize some value in good fryer grease. My whole business
is turning into helping people realize value in waste
products. Kind of a downer. Less free stuff for me.
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